- Everyone is invited to the ALL STARS CONCERT holding on Sunday 9th July from 2pm, at the MFM Grace Auditorium, International Headquarters. ADMISSION IS FREE
- The Semi- Finals of the Strings Competition (Violin, Cello etc., will hold on Thursday 13th July 2017 while that of the A Capella Competition will hold on Thursday 20th July, 2017 at the Mountaintop Conservatory of Music. Entry closes on Sunday 8th July, 2017.
- Application forms are still available for the 2 years Mountaintop Diploma in Music.
- Entry Forms are still available for the Maestro Vocal and Instrumental Competition holding in August 2017.
The Mountaintop Conservatory of Music hereby announces audition for the MOUNTAINTOP CONSERVATORY CHOIR AND PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA.
Applicants must be very proficient in Singing or Playing of an orchestral instrument with readiness to Perform or make professional Recordings with few practices or on short notice. Good sight reading skill is a prerequisite.
Send your application and CV to mimsnooni@yahoo.com. AUDITION DATE IS JULY 29TH 2017.
Further information can be obtained at Mountaintop Conservatory of Music, 53 Majaro Street. Onike, Lagos or log on to mtcm.ng